Overseeding & Top dressing & Airiation period  2024



Golf Course  Overseeding - Maintenance - Course Closed No buggy  Remarks
Pasha Golf Course  28.09.2024-08.10.2024 09.10.2024-18.10.2024 Pasha Golf Course- 01.06.2024 - 19.06.2024   /    15.07.2024-26:07.2024 Maintenance - Course close
Sultan Golf Course  09.10.2024-19.10.2024 20.10.2024-29.10.2024 Sultan Golf Course - 20.06.2024 - 03.07.2024   /   27.07.2024 - 08.08.2024 - Maintenance - Course close
G.Old Course  01.10.2024 - 15.10.2024 16.10.2024-30.10.2024 1. period Gloria Old Course: 26.06.2024 – 09.07.2024 Opening: 10.07.2024 2. period Gloria Old Course:14.08.2024 – 27.08.2024 Opening: 28.08.2024 
G.New Course  18.09.2024 - 30.09.2024 01.10.2024-15.10.2024 1. period Gloria New Course: 12.06.2024 – 25.06.2024 Opening: 26.06.2024 2. period Gloria New Course: 31.07.2024 – 13.08.2024 Opening: 14.08.2024
G.Verde Course( 9 hole ) 11.09.2024 - 20.09.2024 21.09.2024-05.10.2024 1. period Gloria Verde Course: 29.05.2024 -11.06.2024 Opening: 12.06.2024 -2. period Gloria Verde Course: 17.07.2024 -30.07.2024 Opening: 31.07.2024
Pines Course  11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024 Buggy is only allowed on permitted way. (01.10.2024-08.10.2024) 15.11.2024- 30.11.2024 The Course is open, but under light periodical maintenancing
  19.09.2024-30.09.2024    01.12.2024 -15.12.2024 The Course is open, but under light periodical maintenancing
Dunes Course  11.06.2024- 31.08.2024 Buggy is only allowed on permitted way. (13.10.2024-20.10.2024) 15.11.2024 - 30.11.2024 The Course is open, but under light periodical maintenancing
  01.10.2024 - 12.10.2024   01.12.2024 - 15.12.2024 The Course is open, but under light periodical maintenancing
Kaya  Course   17.09.2024-30.09.2024  01.10.2024- 06.10.2024 01.07.2024 - 07.07.2024     18 hole will be closed
      05.08.2024 - 11.08.2024      18 hole will be closed
Carya Course  15.09.2024 – 30.09.2024 Buggy is allowed only on permitted way  
      BETWEEN 01.07.2024  – 10.07.2024 (included) COURSE IS CLOSED
      BETWEEN 01.08.2024  – 10.08.2024 (included) COURSE IS CLOSED
Nobilis Course  13.09.2024 - 06.10.2024 20.09.2024 & 06.10:2024 During the overseeding period, the field is open for play during the day and is closed for play only until 11:30 in the morning
Lykia Links Course  16.09.2024-03.10.2024 No Buggy allowed untill 10.10.2024 Summer Maintenance Works will be carried out before our Site is closed in 2024
National Course  29.08.2024 - 14.09.2024 Buggy is only allowed on permitted way.  BETWEEN 15.06.2024 - 30.06.2024  (included) COURSE IS CLOSED
      BETWEEN 15.07.2024 - 30.07.2024  (included) COURSE IS CLOSED
  11.09.2024 – 24.09.2024  Aspendos  Buggy is allowed to use only on buggy path after overseeding. Olympos Course will be closed due to maintenance between 01 – 15 July 2024. 
Cullinan Course 25.09.2024 – 08.10.2024  Olympos    Aspendos Course will be closed due to maintenance between 16 – 31 Jully 2024
      Olympos Course will be closed due to maintenance between 01 – 15 August 2024.
      Aspendos Course will be closed due to maintenance between 16 – 30 August 2024.
Faldo Course ( 27 Holes) 01.06.2024- 25.10.2024 - only 9 hole is closed  There is no buggy ban.  
  Always 18 holes is open     
Montgomerie Course  24.09.2024 – 05.10.2024   06.10.2024 - 12.10.2024 Inc.